- Out ThereBy J M StrasserSeptember 2, 2024We are most unique. Never underestimate the humans, or so we say. Our cowboy and tall poppy do seek impossible odds we love to play. We are barely alive, yet start a race. Would we survive meeting another in space. Stephen says we can’t, the odds are for a fool. But if they are advanced, aren’t they peaceful, too? Evolution shows us variety honed on the edge of the cruel sword. But survival means more than today alone. Celebrate the one and the many for the most reward. Would we be […]
- Leaving Home Chapter 12By J M StrasserMarch 3, 2025The Weddings Day has Come, and Agnes has a Surprise The next day was filled with joy, THE WEDDINGS. The President had named her A.I. again, fully aware that this naming business could have influenced the growth of Andrew and Dylan. Howard was monitoring this, but Elizabeth thought it important for herself and her family. She named her A.I. Alina because she was bright and bubbly, much like Elizabeth’s niece. That branch of the family had decided to stay on Earth, but Elizabeth hoped a […]
- Leaving Home Chapter 11By J M StrasserFebruary 3, 2025Andrew Takes a Trip Andrew awoke on Earth. It worked! Andrew’s mission to save Nunu was not just a task; he felt it was a duty for which he immediately volunteered. His best friend, Elizabeth, had not only named this A.I. but also instilled in him the values of right and wrong, loyalty, and compassion. These were strange concepts for the machine, but they led him to help Sammie escape death and expose Dylan, who was endangering all humans. A.I.s were not meant to make these types of […]
- Leaving Home Chapter 10By J M StrasserJanuary 6, 2025Andrew Gets A Body and Madie Wants to Get Married Elizabeth finally had time the next day and was fussing away in her office. The paperwork had piled up, and she was having a WONDERFUL time caring for the minutia. Her grumbling was trying to get out of the room and maybe into the hall. The President had a habit of leaving her door open, her way of being available and approachable, but it had this disadvantage. Helping this colony, a group of dedicated individuals working towards a common goal, […]
- Encounter With the AlienBy J M StrasserSeptember 30, 2024Joan asked the alien about her eyes. “They come from the sky,” she said, smiling. “At least that is what my mother always told me.” The alien’s name was Allyahn, but affectionately (or because the abbreviation is not so different), she is called Ally by those who are close. Her eyes are not just any shade of purple but a unique hue. They are not the light violet of Elizabeth Taylor’s but a true purple, a deep and rich color that no human has ever possessed. “My planet has the regular […]
- Chapter 9 Leaving HomeBy J M StrasserNovember 4, 2024Andrew, the Stowaway, and a Council Decision “I’m sorry, Elizabeth,” Andrew said. The rest of the family had left the dining room, their footsteps echoing in the silence. Elizabeth had to deal with this, and they knew how hard it would be. She was still sitting at the table, her head in her hands, the scent of the dinner lingering in the air. A quiet, almost moaning sound came from the human. “Why didn’t you tell me?” Elizabeth asked. “I couldn’t,” Andrew’s voice was strained, his struggle with […]
- Chapter 8 Leaving HomeBy J M StrasserAugust 5, 2024KYLE, THE BABIES, AND SAMMIE THE STOWAWAY Recovering in the med clinic Kyle struggled, waking up. He heard muffled conversation and a vague notion of what he was experiencing. “Look, I think he’s coming around,” Liz said. “That’s good,” a male voice answered. Kyle could feel fiddling, which brought him up further. When his eyes opened, the first sight was of the President looking down on him, no expression on her face. Kyle jerked, trying to sit up. Run? He didn’t know but remembered that […]
- Chapter 7 Leaving HomeBy J M StrasserJuly 1, 2024SOBERING NEWS AND A GAMBLE The second day of school was done. Liz let out a big sigh. The rest of the family came in sluggishly. It had been a long day. Andrew had prepared spaghetti and meatballs, one of the kids’ favorite dinners, and added wine for the parents. “Thank you for this, Andrew,” Liz said. “My pleasure, Elizabeth. Life has been rough today.” “Yeah, I had to recite the contents of a cell. That took a while and gave me a headache,” Noah said. “And I had to run relays in the gym, […]
- Chapter 6 Leaving HomeBy J M StrasserJune 3, 2024SIX MONTHS IN, SCHOOL STARTS AND ANOTHER CRISIS Elizabeth shuffled down the hall. Her husband, moving slower, was behind her. “Shall I wake the kids?” James asked. “No, let’s wake up first. At this moment, I really wish we had retired.” She turned into the kitchen, smelling coffee. Grateful, she put the steaming liquid to her lips, blew, and then drank. “Thanks, Andrew.” “You’re welcome, Elizabeth,” the AI answered. “Big day today.” “Yeah,” she said, leaning on the counter. “It was a […]
- Chapter 5 Leaving HomeBy J M StrasserMay 6, 2024LET’S PARTY THEN BRING IN THE LAWYERS The Sheriff and Deputy Danny were in the hall next to the interrogation room when Elizabeth emerged. “That was quick,” Danny said. “Did you get anything?” John asked. “Yes. Cynthia said she hacked into the Mayones’s system because she doesn’t trust them. The heated language she heard about the Hagor justified it to her. Zior told me the Mayones are not concerned about the bugs; they think their behavior is part of the natural way of things, […]
- Chapter 4 Leaving HomeBy J M StrasserFebruary 28, 2024FIRST CRISIS Olivia and Matt slept late. Launch Day happened yesterday, and everyone was exhausted. The prep was enough to freak anybody out, but having trouble breathing or moving finished you off. As she roused, Olivia thought about where they were in space. She should be scared, but strangely, she wasn’t. The Mom shuffled into the kitchen, “Kitchen, coffee, full caffeine. “Make the family’s favorite breakfast, to be served in fifteen minutes,” Olivia […]
- Chapter 3B Leaving HomeBy J M StrasserDecember 25, 20231ST CHRISTMAS DAY IN MESALAND OF THE STARS This is after Chapter 4 (Day After Launch) Noah burst into their bedroom. “Mom, Dad, get up, get up. It’s Christmas!” Elizabeth didn’t want to move; it had been a few days preparing for the holiday. Doesn’t this ever go smoother? “A few more minutes,” she moaned. “Mom, it’s snowing,” Noah said, bouncing on his toes. “What?” James sat up. “Yeah, come on, come on!” Noah’s voice wavering. They both bounded out of bed and followed Noah into the living […]
- Chapter 3A Leaving HomeBy J M StrasserNovember 6, 2023TAKE OFF Elizabeth drove her husband’s old truck through the neighborhood via Sage Street. It was bustling with new life. She had held onto this favorite vehicle, but it was the past, and this street was the future. While the houses retained their heritage, much was new, including the paving. A type of plastic that left a smooth, quiet surface that was a pleasure to drive on and walk on, especially for the dogs. Tucson asphalt roads were cruel to dog feet in the summer. The landscaping at each […]
- Chapter 2 Leaving HomeBy J M StrasserOctober 2, 2023THE LAST RECRUITS The children were quiet. Elizabeth had drawn her gun. Harry was defiant, emitting a low growl. She knew this could rapidly turn worse than it was, so she focused on Sarah and pieced together a plan. Elizabeth presumed that this creature had to come from somewhere other than Earth. These weren’t hiding out somewhere waiting for discovery. She guessed the bug might be proficient only in English, possibly Spanish, considering this area of the country. Invaders should be […]
- Chapter 1 Leaving HomeBy J M StrasserSeptember 4, 2023LAST DAYS ON EARTH It was Spring, and Elizabeth was out and about. She entered the restaurant, and her eyes instantly went to her preferred seat on the patio. A broad smile crossed her lips; the seat was open. It was a small restaurant, but the courtyard expanded that very nicely. Patios didn’t always have this kind of ambiance. It was relatively large and surrounded by a fence with misters on the roof line and heaters posted throughout. This made it comfortable for much of the year in Tucson […]