Chapter 5 Leaving Home


The Sheriff and Deputy Danny were in the hall next to the interrogation room when Elizabeth emerged.

“That was quick,” Danny said.

“Did you get anything?” John asked.

“Yes. Cynthia said she hacked into the Mayones’s system because she doesn’t trust them. The heated language she heard about the Hagor justified it to her. Zior told me the Mayones are not concerned about the bugs; they think their behavior is part of the natural way of things, something that is not their business beyond disapproval. The Hagor are following us. They are following us! Zior is, unlike Its brethren, very concerned about the Hagor being so close.” She took a deep breath.

“Well, this is a hell of a mess. The Council is assembling.” John said, and in unison, they headed toward the old teacher’s lounge, now the Council Chamber. 

The three entered the room, and Elizabeth took the seat at the head of the table. She was the President of the Council across all biomes and was now officially taking that post and the gavel from John. Her cabinet was assembled, and it was their first official meeting.

“I call this meeting to order,” and the gavel hit the table. “I’m afraid we have a problem. Elizabeth paused for effect before updating the council. “Crime is not unexpected, but this hits at the center of the endeavor, the capital, our Mesaland.” She sighed.

“In my experience, crime hits when we least expect it,” the Sheriff grumbled. 

“Yes,” the president nodded. “It appears now that Cynthia, Harold’s granddaughter, has hacked into Zior and the other Mayones’ conversations. The Mayones are quite upset, and Zior is beside itself with concern,” Elizabeth said, looking around the table. 

Quiet expletives and head shaking erupted. 

“I’m very sorry; I didn’t know anything about this,” Harold said. “Do you want me to recuse myself?” 

The group turned to Harold as he looked down at the table.

“No, Harold, we need as much insight as possible to resolve this,” Elizabeth sat up straighter. “Our protocol is to get our defense lawyer, Matt Wilson, to see Cynthia. That is taking place as we speak. The next step is getting ready for prosecution. These steps are standard for law enforcement worldwide. Well, where they have the rule of law. For us, though, it’s achingly new. We have to be very careful and methodical with each step of this. Our future generations depend on it.”

Danny perked up and produced some papers, “The Sheriff will take the lead and consult with the DA’s office in this investigation. We have contacted the Forest Biome and should hear from them shortly. There will be one DA and some assistants.”

Elizabeth nodded, then turned. “Harold, did you know that Cynthia was hacking?”

He clenched his fists; “No, she always seemed interested, enthusiastic even about the whole deal with Zior and Mayones.” 

“I want you to keep in contact with her. Comply with the law and her attoney’s rules, of course, but keep that line of communication open,” Elizabeth said. 

Harold nodded in agreement. 

“Harold, we need more information. I‘m concerned about Zior. It appears agitated and even greyer than usual,” the sheriff said.

“Yes, It certainly was. We need to learn who’s involved. The AIs can help us. Until now, we have been leaving much to the Mayones. Cynthia was able to hack their system. We need to find out how she did it and shore up our defenses. Let’s see if we can get some info there,” Elizabeth looked at John.

“I’ll make it a top priority,” John said.

“Anything else?” She paused. It took a moment for the group to look at her, their faces slack. “This is going to be hard, the president nodded. “Let’s get to work. The meeting is adjourned,” and the gavel went down again. 


The Davis family walked down the street to the Launch Day celebration. James took Ellizabeth’s hand, and the boys ran ahead laughing. Samantha stayed by her parents’ side. She was looking in awe at the new pavement, thinking of the coming summer. She had been told it would be almost the usual pattern, but she wouldn’t mind being a bit cooler for her feet. 

“Whose going to be at this feast?” asked James.

Noah turned around, “Everyone, Dad, everyone!”

“Great,” James mumbled.

“What’s the matter?” Elizabeth asked quietly. 

When he didn’t answer, she added, “You’re worried about Charles? I approached him because of my obligation, not only to Mesaland but to the human race, and besides, nothing happened. I didn’t-” The words spilled out, and by the time she finished speaking, her face was only inches from his.

James could feel her regret. “It was a long two years for the both of us. I wasn’t sure you were alive either. I can understand the position you were in. Well, at least introduce me to him so I don’t make an ass of myself.”

Elizabeth nodded, “Did you know we can visit the other biomes?” She said, changing the subject.

“Wow, that would be something,” James exclaimed, his eyes lighting up. 

“I’m negotiating with the administration system and coordinating the schooling. Have you thought about what you want to teach?” 

“I’ve been mulling that over, botany for sure. How is that going to work? Will this all be in a classroom?” 

“No. The students will mostly work with you. An apprenticeship arrangement.” 

“What is the new planet like?” 

“According to Zior, it has been terraformed to match Earth as closely as possible. Of course, there will be some differences.” Elizabeth shrugged. ”Regarding plants, the planet has its own; I’ve seen some samples. Ours will have to adapt.”

“Can I get involved in that?”

“I was hoping you would.”

“Will I be able to travel back and forth between all the biomes?” James asked, waving his arms in different directions.

“Yes, I think you will be in great demand,” she said, grateful for his enthusiasm.

“Not as much as you, President Liz.” 

“Yeah, not looking forward to that, especially with this mess.”

“Man, I can smell it from here. Lasagna!” Tyler said as he rushed ahead of his brother. “I got to make sure I get some.”

“Oh no, you don’t,” Noah said; both boys disappeared into the Council House.

Samantha wore her usual smirk as she remained behind with her parents. 

When the three trailed in behind the boys, James whistled, “Wow. This is more people than I’ve seen in one place for a long time.”

Gene walked up to the family from the kitchen to the side of the hall . “Hi! Elizabeth, Nice to see you. Is this your husband? That was a surprise; you’re appearance.” He held out his hand.

“It certainly was,” Liz grinned, linking arms with her husband. “I smell the lasagna, it’s heavenly.”

“We worked like dogs to prepare it; now we’re serving,” Gene said. 

“Oh, Gene, other people than the Desert Rose crew can do that. After all that work preparing the feast?” Elizabeth said as she touched his arm.

“We want to show our gratitude for bringing us along. To think we got in Mesaland at the last minute,” Gene shook his head. “Please, we have a space set up for your family.” Gene gestured over to a long table where other council members were seated. 

There were many lasagna dishes, bowls of salad, and rolls in large containers. Pizza rounded out the menu up and down the table. The two boys sat down immediately and scooped up a portion of lasagna. As dessert came out, Charles walked up to the Davis family.

“Hello Elizabeth, it’s nice to see you.” Nodding toward her little group, he asked, “Is this your family?”

Charles was tall and handsome, and he had a good physique, but he could never replace her husband. “Yes, it is. Charles, this is my husband James, my daughter Samantha, and my two boys Noah and Tyler.” She stood and pointed as she introduced her brood. 

“Very nice to meet you,” Charles said as James stood and offered his hand.

The two men sized each other up, the tension was palpable. Elizabeth could see James stiffen and his jaw clench. A flash of jealousy shown in his eyes. 

“What a surprise,” Charles eyes never left James. “You must have some story to tell. What was it like out in that mess of a world after the asteroid?”

It was bad, horrific actually. All I could think about was to get back to my family. That was the only thing that kept me going.” James took his wife’s hand and squeezed it.

“I can certainly understand that,” Charles shot Elizabeth a sideways glance.

“I heard you autopsied that alien bug,” James said, his voice filled with curiosity and apprehension as he changed the subject. “What was that experience like?”

Much to Liz’s surprise, the two men were soon headed out of the gym on a mission to the medical facilities as if they were old friends. 

That went well. Charles has another scientist to bond with over alien bodies.

Elizabeth sighed and sat down again with Samantha. The boys had wolfed down the cookies and had taken off to find more. 

“Mom?” Samantha wore a scowl on her face. “Is that good, Y-you know…Dad going off with Dr. Murray?” Samantha knew about her mother’s history with Charles. Some of that was what Liz told her, and some she deduced. Liz thought she was growing up too fast.

“It’s probably for the best,” Elizabeth answered. “They can get their fill of bug guts, and if they top it off with a beer, I think it will be fine. After all, your dad and I are fine, and Charles is more obsessed with that bug.”

Samantha laughed. “Yeah, men and their bugs.” 

The Council had worked hard to make this celebration look good. The gym had lights strung above their heads. Elizabeth admired the pictures of Mesaland around the room. All the tables were down and decorated with joyful flowers, and a stage graced the front of the room, featuring musical instruments and microphones. Liz could tell the time for the entertainment because Danny found his way up to the stage.

“Ladies and gentlemen, to commemorate our first day in space,” Danny paused and wiggled his eyebrows. The crowd cheered. “Very good, very good. I hope you feel the same way after you hear me sing.” Laughter filtered through.

“I want to play a song by Enya for you. It has long been my favorite, and now, with some revisions, we will present to you OCOTILLO FLOW.” Danny raised his hands as people quieted down. 

“I freely confess to having help from our fantastic musicians here in Mesaland because this song deserves it,” Danny bowed to the audience, raised his hand, and the music echoed through the room.

Madie stepped forward and went up the steps to the microphone. She began to sing. 

“Let me sail, let me sail

Let the ocotillos flow

Let me reach, let me beach

On the shores of Rillito.”

It pleased Elizabeth to see Madie do so well.

Applause erupted. Madie was singing about home. Danny’s guitar stood out, and he responded to the crowd’s acceptance by moving his guitar with the music. When the song ended, more clapping and whistling filled the air. The singer and musicians bowed three times. Danny approached the microphone again and held up his hands. 

“That was very nostalgic, but now we want some Rock’ n Roll. Elizabeth,” Danny said as he gestured towards her.

James returned in time for Maddy and Danny’s song and now turned toward his wife with an incredulous look that turned to joy. Elizabeth had played guitar from a young age but had rarely played for anyone. Shaking, she approached the stage as the crowd hooped and hollered.

Elizabeth stepped onto the stage and in front of the mic. She raised her hands for them to stop. “Well, here we are. It’s been a journey,” Elizabeth surveyed the room. “And what a journey it has been!” laughter rippled again through the room. “We regret leaving so much behind, but I am looking forward to what comes next,” she paused. 

I want to express that with a song by Lenny Kravitz, Fly Away. I am not changing any words because they perfectly describe my feelings, and I’m not that creative.” Danny smirked at Liz’s modesty, “This song was released in 1998 but is still relevant, at least for this old fogey. Rock came out when I was learning about music.” Elizabeth accepted the electric guitar and checked its tune. While she was getting ready, Harold headed to his drums; this was Rock.

The famous opening line started loud and robust. The drums came in, and they were off. James raised his hand and moved to the beat. 

Liz opened her mouth and started, “I wish that I could fly

Into the sky

So very high

Just like a dragonfly.”

Everyone cheered and sang along; some even shed a tear. When Liz finished, the clapping was thunderous. She smiled timidly, her cheeks rosy red, and bowed. The group’s feelings were a good beginning for the colonists and for her. 

Liz put down the guitar and left the stage as John signaled her to follow him.

“That was great, Liz,” he said.

“You were good yourself; maybe we can go on the road.” Liz laughed. 

“I don’t know if I will have time,” John said in a deeper bass. Out in the hallway, John filled her in on their progress with the DAs. When they finished, John turned to go to the station, and Elizabeth returned to her husband.

“James, I have to pick up the District Attorney, Alice Johnson and her associates,” she said clenching her jaw.


“Yeah, they’re charging Cynthia with espionage.”

“Uggh! Where are you picking these lawyers up?”

“I’m meeting them at the bridge on West Date at the entrance to Mesaland. It’s where the bridge is to the Forest Biome.”

“I want to come; I need to see this,” James said. He had passed through the lock put in for security when the government formed, but the other biome hadn’t joined yet. That came after the launch, a whole new adventure in tech.

Elizabeth nodded and turned to look for their children. Samantha was busy talking to Jeff’s eldest daughter, Debbie, and they seemed to be hitting it off. Her boys, Noah and Tyler, had found two girls. Dot and Cherie were from the new group of children from the Desert Rose contingent. They seemed well-mannered. Liz walked over to Samantha, and James took care of the boys. The kids could stay in the gym now but must go home immediately after the party. All three agreed, and Liz and James left the gym.

When James returned to Liz, she said, trying not to laugh, “We’re going to use another layer of supervision with those boys.”


The two approached the end of West Date. They were going in one of the new golf carts with hydrogen cell engines. The thing was huge, three rows of seats and it had zip! James could see through the almost transparent shell around Mesaland and the steps to the bridge between the two biomes. It was necessary to anchor the biomes for stability during their flight and to have a way to visit each other. The shell was in place before the launch, including airlocks for joining. The Forest biome was planned to join Mesaland because it was felt the desert southwest should be paired with something different. Contact with other strange biomes, at least to each group involved, would become vital for harmony’s sake.

“Which forest is this?”
“The Tahoe National Forest and the town of Truckee. Mesaland joined with others from countries we had never even met before, but Tahoe National had been both in California and Nevada, and they had to learn about compromise even beyond what we did,” Elizabeth said.
“What about Lake Tahoe? Is that here, too?”
“Well, it’s an attached biome on what used to be the west side of the Tahoe National Forest, along with the town of South Lake Tahoe from California and Glenbrook from the Nevada,” Liz smiled at James’s reaction. “It was impressive.” 

James looked up, seeing the sun above just as before. As he ascended the bridge to the Forest and entered the airlock, he could see beyond the false sun to the stars in the black field. It was amazing to think how quickly they had left the atmosphere of Earth and apparently brought it along. At least it felt like that. 

“Is this to maintain the climate differences?” James asked as he inspected the tunnel past the airlock.

“Yes; the dome takes care of the atmosphere, air gas balance, and protection from space, but each biome needs different climate adjustments,” Elizabeth said. 

They approached the door to the Forest. Four figures in shadow, then the door opened. Liz and James felt the cooler weather rush out of the forest’s interior. Two women and two men emerged.

“Hello Alice, nice to see you.”

“Elizabeth,” Alice shook her hand. 

Alice made introductions, and they entered the cart and rode back into Mesaland and to the Council House. 

“What’s the latest on the case?” Alice asked, her voice laced with anticipation. 

“We have the suspect in custody. Matt and I have met with her. We need you to start the state’s case, country’s, or world’s? This is getting complicated,” Elizabeth said. 

“What a mess,” James said, and the group nodded.

“It caught us by surprise. What with the launch and celebration? It was bound to happen, though; we are all human, and not everyone will agree with all that is decided. Dealing with aliens will not make it any easier.” Elizabeth said.

They headed straight to the police station. John was waiting for them. “Thank you so much for coming. I am not sure what to make of this. Zior is very upset,” he said.

“What was Cynthia looking for?” Alice asked.

“She said she was suspicious of all the Mayones and Zior in particular,” John answered. “As far as we can tell, she only got that they were arguing about the Hagor.”

“It told me the Mayones are following us and that the Mayones are not particularly worried. Zior, on the other hand, is,” Elizabeth added.

“Oh, crap,” Alice said. “We have a lot of work to do.”


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