This is after Chapter 4 (Day After Launch)
Noah burst into their bedroom. “Mom, Dad, get up, get up. It’s Christmas!”
Elizabeth didn’t want to move; it had been a few days preparing for the holiday. Doesn’t this ever go smoother?
“A few more minutes,” she moaned.
“Mom, it’s snowing,” Noah said, bouncing on his toes.
“What?” James sat up.
“Yeah, come on, come on!” Noah’s voice wavering.
They both bounded out of bed and followed Noah into the living room. It was the best place in the house to view the yard. A huge window filled most of the wall that looked out into the front from just above the sofa. Noah grinned and pointed. Tyler followed more slowly, and Samantha wanted to scowl but broke out with a smile.
“I didn’t know it could be this much,” James said.
“Well, they’re controlling the weather. I think they decided to give us a treat,” Elizabeth said, leaning over the edge of the couch, gazing at the snowflakes falling. It indeed was magical. Of course, once they were up, their Christmas had begun. Elizabeth did her best to slow it down; she knew it would be over before it started if she let each kid scurry for their own presents.
“Okay, youngest, hands out the gifts,” she said, looking at Samantha.
Everyone took a spot, and the glee began. As she predicted, it was over too soon, but she and James did have time to catch their breath and enjoy the show. Andrew made them coffee and heated bear claws. Noah and Tyler were not interested in anything but presents, Samanthat took the time to get her own plate. As the kids finally finished, they sat back and started to play.
“Did you all have enough breakfast?” Elizabeth asked, sitting with her pastry and coffee.
“Oh,” came from the boys, who rushed into the kitchen to get their food.
Andrew had kept the bear claws warm and the milk cold. Elizabeth loved the ease that came with that help.
“All right, we leave in about an hour. Everything is sorted by the door and you all will carry something. Your dad and I will take the food; you three carry the presents in the sacs,” Elizabeth pointed toward the hall.
“Yeah, yeah, we’re going,” they grumbled.
Five units sitting in the entry held the presents and food. The food production consisting of greenhouses and outdoor land had already been started along with herds of cattle and other types of animals for food. The experts supervising the production welcomed James into overseeing the production.
The Davis family walked down the street, herding their burdens in front of them. It was still snowing even though the road remained warm and dry.
I could get used to this, Elizabeth thought, watching her children. She had tried to instill in her children that work would be required from all, even with this tech.
“Quit playing with that lead, Tyler,” James yelled as the twins galloped away. Sure enough, the sac started to fly off on its own. There were safeguards, and it didn’t fly up, but running out to the sac was annoying.
Gene and Marcos called out to Elizabeth. They had just emerged from their houses and hot-footed it up to the Davises.
”Hey, fancy running into you here,” Elizabeth joked, “How are you doing?”
“Great. I thought I wouldn’t know anyone, so I talked Marcos into getting the house next to me,” Gene said, speaking fast. “But it’s not that big here. I have seen all the Desert Rose people a lot and am getting to know the others quickly.”
Marcos grinned enough to make lines show up around his young eyes, “Yeah, it’s quite the place. Some cute girls, too.”
His grin shut down as he caught sight of Samantha. She smiled back at him, resulting in a rush of red on his face.
“I’m glad it can be difficult. We’ve had some of the originals move out at the beginning. It was too much change, both in the world with the asteroid and here with all the innovations and the move,” Elizabeth said.
“Yeah, WOW! That house is something. Kitchen and I are best friends,” Gene said. “I hear a lot about the anti-aging thing. You, too, Elizabeth?”
“Yes, call me Liz,” Elizabeth said. “It was an adventure, not that you need that.”
“Well, not yet,” said Gene.
“What are you bringing?” The family foodie Noah asked.
“Oh,” Marcos said. “We thought, since we weren’t cooking much for this, we’d bring lots of extra rolls,” Marcson pointed his head at Gene’s containers.
Marcos pointed at the flying bundles and asked, “What are you using?”
“Yes, our antigrav units,” Noah said, showing off by waffling his bag with the lead.
“Really,” Gene said and approached the floating bag.” Kinda like walking the invisible dog.”
“Huh?” Noah looked at Gene. “What?”
The James and Liv laughed. “A toy before he was born,” James said.
“That sounds like a stupid toy,” Tyler said.
“It was,” Gene nodded.
“Thanks for the rolls; that will be great!” Samantha looked at Marcos.
“Uh, you’re welcome,” Marcos said, trying not to stare at Samantha.
Marcos was relieved to finally make it to the Council House, feeling awkward and tongue-tied. The group entered the dining hall together. About a third of the subdivision was there, setting up the tables. James instructed the kids to unload the sacs and carefully place them under the giant tree sitting in a huge pot. The presents went in a huge pile.
The Desert Rose people wanted to help, but John insisted they only provide what the rest of the town had provided; the Council had planned to serve the group at this meal. They had brought the number of children up to fifty, not including the ones on the way. As the council unloaded the food containers, they set up the tables with each type of traditional Christmas food, including ham. Elizabeth had managed to snag a load of cranberry sauce when she picked up the underwear for her tenant, Judy. She was unsure how they would grow on the new planet, but at least they would have it today.
Zoe put out the plates and flatware, and the feast began. As they moved through the tables, contented murmuring could be heard. Zoe had planned for leftovers and even packed them up at the end of the feast. Some men had complained that going to dinner outside their homes would mean no late-night turkey sandwiches, and Zoe agreed. As they ate, Danny, our deputy in training, stood and spoke into a mike with the sheriff by his side.
“Citizens of Mesaland. Merry Christmas.” The crowd clapped and cheered.
John started, “Yes, so far, it is going well. I want to catch up with you on the incident on Launch Day. Zior is very concerned about how It and Its people are viewed. We have decided to start a regular meeting in the library on Wednesday nights to discuss in more detail what we are doing. Zior will be joining us to answer any questions and inform us of what the other Mayones are doing on our flight,” John looked around the assembled group, and when Danny came back to the mike, he slipped away.
“Good,” came out of the crowd. “What did you do with that brat?”
Danny raised his hand, “Please, you must realize what an immense change has occurred. We are grateful, but I believe Cynthia had every right to question what the aliens were doing. Remember who Elizabeth shot when we picked up our last volunteers?”
Elizabeth did; she’d never forget it. But we are allowed doubt, she thought.
“Her method, though was unacceptable and she is being charged. I believe it is a good thing to have met Zior, our resident alien¹.” A chuckle went through the crowd, “But we must remember who we are as humans and understand what is possible. We are trying our best to salvage what we had on Earth. In the meantime, let us celebrate this cherished holiday. I believe someone is here to see our children.” Danny turned toward one of the gym doors and pointed.
A prominent figure appeared all decked out in red. Elizabeth knew it was John. She had helped him prepare for this grand entrance, but the children squealed and ran up to “Santa.” It was fun to see them accept John so readily as the beloved figure. Danny herded them around the big man as he sat. Elizabeth looked at her kids, who didn’t know what to do. Maybe they thought they were too old for this. She nodded approval to them, and they joined the rest of the children.
Others came with Santa, a group of elves holding the presents set aside for the kids. One elf, in particular, stood out. It was definitely Zior. It had a Santa hat on with a wreath around its neck, holding an ornament, and looked silly but happy. The children cheered and surrounded the little creature, and It happily helped give out the presents. The parents looked on and then smiled, almost all of them. This wouldn’t all be peaches and cream, but it was a start.
One day, I’d like to know if there are genders in the Mayones, Elizabeth thought.
Others came with Santa, a group of elves holding the presents set aside for the kids. One elf, in particular, stood out. It was apparent that it was Zior with a Santa hat on and a wreath around its neck, holding an ornament and looking silly but happy. The children cheered and surrounded the little creature, and It happily helped give out the presents. The parents looked on, some with their mouths open, and then almost all of them smiled. This journey wouldn’t all be peaches and cream, but it was a start.
One day, I’d like to know if there are genders in the Mayones, Elizabeth thought.
End of Chapter 3B
1. Resident Alien TV Series 2021– Stream on Peacock
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