Written by JM Strasser

The world wide phenomenon is an ambivalent idea to me. It seems logical to start with the meaning of AI or artificial intelligence. The best definition I have found is an umbrella term that describes many different technologies that have the capacity to learn on its own.
At this time, AI is being used in automation, medical progression, improved customer service, research, performing repetitive tasks, minimizing errors, unbiased decision making, 24/7 avialiability, cost reduction and data acquisition and analysis. AI can use robots to go into hazardous places to work
It certainly sounds good. Who wouldn’t want easier communication with our favorite online stores and more medical treatments for our ailments, but I remember The Terminator and how that independent thinking went awry. In the movie Skynet became aware and immediatly judged humans to be in need of extermination . This is a common theme in modern science fiction and something I believe is simplistic and not necessarily true.
More down to earth and current issues do exist in AI. It’s new and can be expensive. It also needs a lot of data which can lead to flawed analysis when there isn’t enough for the task. On top of that, some of these machines with AI could be poorly made and lead to many more of these error issues. Many are worried it could take jobs away. It certainly is taking away jobs with repetitive tasks, data analysis, physical work especially that which is monotonous. AI is mechanical and will break down, though part of AI (but the more expensive and cutting edge part) can self diagnose and repair. Because of the expense, small business could lose in the competition. We don’t always understand how AI makes it decisions and that can result in loss of control especially if there are errors in the decision.
There are drawbacks even it AI works flawlessly. One of the top drawback is data privacy. Data is vital to to research and analysis, but the data they get from you personally can benefit the company who takes it but be an invasion of privacy for you. This data mining can be used against you at surprising times and ways. Unfortunately, this has painfully happening to us in recent times with social media. You could say getting services for no monetary cost has a cost and data mining is definitely one of them. However, we can see how invasive that can be.
Another problem is in the area of ethics. AI is a machine and just reads data and makes decisions. It does not include all the data, and this can result in bias in racial areas and probably many others. Of course, when humans are involved (there could be others affected but we don’t know anyone with what is called sentiency in scifi) you have the possibility of fraud. Purposely putting in insufficient or incorrect data can and probably will lead to a decision or analysis in the favor of the one who inputs and not the recipient or consumer.
In the future, I can foresee much of society infiltrated with AI and we will be forced to use it. When the flaws or fraud infiltrate everyone will be affected. There is an old 80″s movie called Runaway with Tom Selleck that shows a world with much automation and AI. In the story it shows how great such things can be but they are constantly breaking down. This is evident when a policewoman is shot and they send for a robot to take out the explosive bullet. Tom Selleck does it manually for her because he knows the odds are the medical robot that does the task will mess up and the woman, along with the explosive, will be blown up. Also, in the movie, the villain uses little spider like robots to swarm and jab people with poison. So we have both flawed AI and corrupted AI, no Terminator necessary for disaster.
In my opinion, we are in for a rough ride. We already have data mining that, even if legal, is falling into the wrong hands. In China, I have heard the government is using reams of data on its civilians (and possibly on others outside the country). With the information the government is penalizing those who don’t follow their ‘socially correct’ rules. I believe control can be achieved someone will try, somewhere. We know some on our planet want to control other peoples lives. It is often explained that exerting control is for your own good. When you take control away, it can, of course, be brutal but it often leads to outcomes that are not best for individuals. Generally, throwing people into poverty, illness or death. I want control of my own life, thank you. Then I only have me to blame. We are a social creature, though, and we can’t be totally on our own. It is a dilema, but as we go down the road of AI we need to be careful. Whether we will take a good approach, I can’t say, but I would guess it will be a mixture of good and bad.
©JM Strasser October 2, 2023 All Rights Reserved